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iSpring Expert Reviews

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iSpring Suite

James Gilchrist: “iSpring Suite Helps Me and My Clients Reduce Project Development Time”

James Gilchrist

Instructional designer and the founder of Lighthouse L&D Consulting

Oct 17, 2023

James Gilchrist is an instructional designer, a seasoned L&D expert, and the founder of Lighthouse L&D Consulting, a company that helps people develop effective learning solutions. In this video review, James talks about his 10+ years of experience with iSpring Suite and explains why it has become the number one authoring tool for himself and many of his clients.

James discusses iSpring Suite’s extensive feature set and how he applies it to his eLearning projects. He focuses on the course player customization capabilities as the outstanding aspect of the tool’s functionality. He explains, “The power, control, and flexibility available to customize the iSpring player are always among the first things I highlight to new users.”

Dive deeper into James Gilchrist’s experience with iSpring Suite and discover how you can apply it to your eLearning projects in this video:

iSpring Suite

Lindsay O’Neill Creates a Slick Portfolio with iSpring Portfolio Builder

Lindsay O`Neill

Freelance instructional designer and eLearning developer

Sep 29, 2023

Lindsay O’Neill is a professional instructional designer and educator who teaches a graduate instructional design program. In this review, Lindsay takes a close look at iSpring Portfolio Builder and walks you through the steps to create a professional-looking portfolio in a way that’s quick, easy, and fun.

What Lindsay especially liked about iSpring Portfolio Builder is the ability to publish and display previously created eLearning courses directly in the portfolio. She also enjoyed customizing her portfolio appearance via iSpring Space by adding various elements to her page. 

Learn more about Lindsay’s experience with iSpring Portfolio Builder and take advantage of the professional tips she provides in this YouTube video: