iSpring – Time to Support the Latest Tin Can API?

by Lucy Larson
Community Manager
On May 27, 2015
ALEXANDRIA, VA. May 27th, 2015 – iSpring has upgraded its widely used PowerPoint-based tools to support the Tin Can API 1.0+ standard used in the leading Learning Management Systems. iSpring customers using version 7.0 or higher can upgrade to this version at no charge.
E-Learning professionals who work with PowerPoint presentations can imbue their slides with rich media content using iSpring tools and upload the final materials to supported Learning Management Systems (15+ as of May 27, 2015).
To transform a slide deck seamlessly into a standard e-Learning course, it should be converted to one of the following formats:
- basic SCORM or AICC
- BlackBoard 9.X (Building Block)
- Tin Can API, which delivers a streamlined and more flexible e-Learning technical standard supported by advanced LMSs
Why support Tin Can?
Traditional e-Learning design specifications, including SCORM and AICC, do not support the inclusion of rich media and other sophisticated content. The Tin Can API (also known as xAPI, or Experience API) specification supports the cutting-edge functionality needed for advanced LMSs, but does not require an LMS or even a web browser. Learn more about the power of Tin Can API in our recent blog post.
iSpring products have included support for Tin Can API/xAPI since 2013-2014, and the latest 7.1 upgrade adds support for the latest Tin Can API version 1.0.X with the highest conversion and compatibility levels.
Why choose iSpring to create e-Learning content?
For eLearning content creators, iSpring products enable optimal-quality publishing to HTML5 and Flash (SWF).
The iSpring e-Learning product line includes three multi-function desktop tools:
- iSpring Pro (video presentation software)
- iSpring Quiz Maker (responsive quiz generation)
- iSpring Suite (all-in-one interactive e-course software)
All three products enable users to create courses with Tin Can support and to track iSpring Tin Can API course statistics (e.g., using
iSpring Pro and iSpring Suite can also be used to convert PowerPoint slides to video, giving all Microsoft PowerPoint users access to one-click video publishing to YouTube. iSpring Learn LMS, like other Tin Can API adopters, also supports Tin Can API.
Pricing and Availability
Version 7.1 of the iSpring desktop product line is available free of charge to licensed users of iSpring 7.0 and later; users of older versions should visit the iSpring Upgrade Center to review their upgrade options.
Individuals and institutions interested in evaluating iSpring products may download a free fully-functional 14-day trial copy. If you have questions about any aspect of iSpring software or services, please contact iSpring support.
To review iSpring products and services, please contact Polina Khizhnyak